The Sound Of Fishsteps

´- Anne tarafından Afife Jaleye akraba oluyorum. Babamın kökleri de

Pirî Reisin amcası Kemal Reise uzanır, dedim gururla.

- Camille ve Kolomb gibi mi yani? dedi şaşırarak.

- Hiç kimse bir başkasına benzemez! diye hırçınlaştım.

- Afife Pirî! dedi hayranlıkla.

- Afife Pirî! diye yineledim.

- Denizlerin serüvenci oğluyla, sahne ışıklarının cesur, asi kızının torunusun, müthiş... olağanüstü... Anlamalıydım... Çoktan anlamalıydım...

It is the end of the Twentieth Century. Eighty-eight people from around the world each receive a personally addressed letter from the United Nations. The letter is an invitation informing these eighty-eight souls that they have been selected for outstanding creativity and courage in their respective societies.

Afife Piri, a young Turkish woman, is the narrator who, along with the rest of the members of this selected group, seizes the opportunity to get entirely away from assembly-line mentality. She and her companions, many of whom are famous artists, writers and scientists, believe that they have finally found a refuge from the monotony, authority and constant surveillance in their countries...

The Sound of Fishsteps features delicate interplays of sentimentality and cynicism, tragicomedy and farce, and introduces a modern amalgam of dreams and nightmares in the style of Borges and Barthelme. As it relates an unusual love story from the vantage point of emotional intelligence, the novel presents an example of burlesgue neosurrealism and striking postmodernism.


Format Kitap
Barkod 9789752890749
Yayın Tarihi 2014-11-01
Yayın Dili İngilizce
Baskı Sayısı 5.Baskı
Sayfa Sayısı 223
Kapak Karton
Kağıt 2.Hamur
Boyut 135 X 195
Emeği Geçenler :
Yazar   : Buket Uzuner
Ürün Satışta. %25


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