Verses From The Glorious Koran And The Scientific Facts

The Glorious Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, is unlike any other sacred scripture in the world. It is the Constitution of the universe. As such, any attempt to discover scientific truth will bring the Qur'an more closely and more accurately to the Truth. In this widely acclaimed book, Dr. Haluk Nurbaki selects fifty verses from the Holy Qur'an for comparisons with the latest discoveries of modern science. Over 390 packed with interesting information! A must-have for anybody interested in the miracles and accurate predictions and descriptions of life and nature in the Qur'an.


Format Kitap
Barkod 9789753890113
Yayın Tarihi 2012-12-30
Yayın Dili İngilizce
Baskı Sayısı 1.Baskı
Sayfa Sayısı 392
Kapak Karton
Kağıt 2.Hamur
Boyut 135 X 195
Emeği Geçenler :
Yazar   : Haluk Nurbaki
Ürün Tükendi.


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